Some Severe Thunderstorms Expected Across North-Central to Northeastern Texas Today: 7-17-2024


Dallas Weather Force has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Wednesday July 17, 2024.

Discussion:  A boundary that caused storms through Oklahoma yesterday will sink southward this afternoon and evening across the watch zone.  Expecting the storms to form in an orientation along the watch box, directly over the metroplex or just to the north, and move on in.  Instability parameters show a marginal hail risk, along with some cells producing damaging winds.  This line will sink southward out of the forecast alert zone by later evening, ending the watch period.

The strongest cells for this watch area will be in extreme Northeastern Texas, in areas like Red River and Bowie County.

A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is issued here at Dallas Weather Force when conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms to develop, whether it be a hail/wind risk and/or isolated tornado risk.